
Terms & Conditions


The Cashback Programme involves the payment of Commission to us by Participating Retailers in respect of your Approved Transactions for which we credit your Account with your earnings. You must complete at least one task on each Level, you must complete all 15 Levels, and each Level must have turned green for you to withdraw your cashback from your Account. Cashback is dependent on the tasks you complete.

Before participating in the Cashback Programme, you acknowledge and agree that we reserve the right to terminate your Account if you breach or we suspect you have breached the following Rules of the Cashback Programme. If we terminate your Account because of a breach by you of these Rules, you agree that your earnings/balance will be void and you will not seek to register with the again, whether using the same or a different identity to that under which you were originally registered.


Term Description
Approved Transactions Transactions that are tracked and approved between the member and Participating Retailers.
Bonuses (under earnings) Additional funds which have been credited to the member’s Account by Cashback.
Click History A record of the time and date that a task was clicked on by the member.
Level Site levels where the member’s tasks are displayed. There are a number of tasks that a member can complete in each Level. A member need only to complete one task per Level, it must be an Approved Transaction for the member to receive their cashback.
Amber Level A pending Level waiting to be approved.
Green Level A completed Level, this is when the task has been approved and cashback can then be added to the member’s account.
Grey Level When the tasks in that Level have not been clicked on or tracked.
Red Level When a task that has tracked but has then been rejected by the Participating Retailer for not meeting all of the terms and conditions.
Cashback Commission received by Us from the Participating Retailers that are put into the member’s Account when a Task is completed.
Cashback Programme An online service provided by (Submission Technology Ltd.) to enable members to earn cashback by completing 15 Tasks across 15 Levels.
Commission The money received by us from the Participating Retailer.
Completed task A task that has been clicked on through the link on, tracked and approved by the Participating retailer turning the Level green.  This also includes tasks that we may have manually approved upon receipt of satisfactory evidence of full completion of a task.
Confirmed Earnings Monetary funds earned from validated tasks available for withdrawal when all 15 Levels have been completed.
Earn Receipt of cashback for completing a task.
Evidence In the event of a task not tracking (Levels not turning amber or green within 2 working days of completion) you will be required to send us Evidence. You will be required to provide us with screenshots showing completion of the task in full.
Locked If the Level has a lock symbol on it then the Level has not yet been opened.
Member A user of the Cashback Programme, you!
Network The group of Participating Retailers and their advertisers that track whether a task has been completed.
Participating Retailers (or Advertisers) The provider of Goods/Services/Tasks.
Participating Retailer Goods/Services The service or good that you purchase in order to complete the terms and conditions of a specifictask.
Pending A task that appears to have been completed and has been tracked by the Participating Retailer, that is awaiting final review by the Participating Retailer to ensure the member has met all of the required terms and conditions. This can take up to 15 (fifteen) days.
Pending (under earnings) The monetary funds Earned from Pending Tasks which will be applied to your Confirmed Earnings once the tasks are Validated.
Proof of ID Occasionally we may need to request proof of identity as part of our fraud checks. Members will be asked to provide 1 or 2 forms of ID which must match up with your account information. All ID is securely destroyed once reviewed and is processed in line with our Privacy Notice. Please note, Cashback is unable to accept electronic letters as a form of ID and can only accept physical letters sent through the post.
Refer and Earn Programme This is the means by which a member can introduce others to the Cashback Programme via Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Email, Twitter or WhatsApp. Once a referral has registered to the Cashback Programme using the member’s unique link, the member will earn 10% of the completed tasks on their referral’s Account, providing the referral has earned £10 or over. The referral must use the unique tracking link in order for the earnings to be applied.
Rejected task A task that has tracked but has then been rejected by the Participating Retailer, turning the Level red, for not meeting all of the terms and conditions of the task.
Stored Value A monetary value most commonly stored in card form e.g. a prepaid card. The cashback in a member’s account does not represent a stored value and only becomes accessible when the member has cashed out and the cash is moved to their bank or PayPal™ account.
Task Within a Level, there are multiple tasks available to complete. A member need only to complete one task per Level, it must be an Approved Transaction for the member to receive their Reward.
Third Parties Any named person that is not the name that we hold on the members Cashback account. This includes variations of names such as Elizabeth / Lizzie/ Liz.
Tracking/Tracked A task that has been clicked on by the member creating a Click History in their Account and has been received by the Participating Retailer turning the Level Amber.
Transaction The actions taken by the Member to complete a task e.g. when they visit a Participating Retailer’s website to make a purchase or sign up to a free trial.
Unique Tracking Link A unique link used as part of the Refer and Earn Programme. The referral must use this link in order for the earnings to be applied.
Untracked task A task that has not been tracked by the Participating Retailer.
Validated A task that has been completed by the member that has been confirmed as fulfilling all the Terms and Conditions by the Participating Retailer turning the Level Green.

Rules of the Cashback Programme

  1. This Cashback programme (the "Cashback Programme") is an online service provided by ("Us/We/Our") wholly owned by Submission Technology Ltd whose registered office address is 3-4 Bower Terrace, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone, Kent ME16 8RY and trading address is The Beater House, East Wing, Turkey Mill, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 5PP (company number 04456811).
  2. To enjoy the Cashback Programme, you must abide by the Rules of the Cashback Programme which shall govern your use of the Cashback Programme and will hereby be referred to as the “Rules”
  3. The Cashback Programme enables providers of goods and services ("Participating Retailers") to promote and offer them ("Participating Retailer Goods/Services") for purchase or participation by you in conjunction with certain cashback. You expressly agree that participation in the Cashback Programme is at your own sole risk. You understand that your purchase of or participation with Participating Retailer Goods/Services is subject to the terms and conditions of Participating Retailers and not these Rules. These rules do not affect those of your statutory rights which cannot be amended or excluded in law and the exclusions and limitations of liability contained in them shall be construed and applied accordingly. We exclude, to the fullest extent permissible by law, all representations and warranties including as to title, fitness for purpose, merchantability and/or satisfactory quality regarding goods and/or services obtained from Participating Retailers through the Cashback Programme.
  4. We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure advertisements are correct. We are not responsible for incorrectly advertised Participating Retailer Goods/Services
  5. Your failure to correctly follow these Rules or instructions given by Us may result in no Cashback being credited to your account for which you will have no recourse against Us or Participating Retailers.
  6. You agree that the Cashback Programme is provided on a strictly “as is” and “as available” basis. We make no warranty that the Cashback Programme will meet your requirements or that it will be uninterrupted, timely or error free nor do we make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the Cashback Programme or as to the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through it.
  7. You understand that your contractual relationship for the Cashback Programme is with Us. You shall contact Us only and shall not directly contact Participating Retailers in connection with any aspect of the Cashback Programme, whether for the purposes of raising a query, seeking further information or making a complaint/claim
  8. Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of these Rules will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of them.
  9. You are only eligible to join and continue to take part in the Cashback Programme if you meet the following criteria:
    • Have full legal capacity to enter into a contract;
    • Use your true legal identity in the Cashback Programme and third party Offers;
    • You are over 18 years of age;
    • Your permanent place of residence is at an address in the UK; and,
    • You maintain with Us a valid and subsisting email address.
  10. In order for your tasks to track and for you to receive your cashback, you must ensure you complete all tasks in line with the tasks Terms and Conditions, and you must complete the tasks through our link on Cashback. If you do not complete the task through our link this will not track and you will not receive your cashback for this task.
  11. The personal data you provide to Us will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice. If you choose to opt-in, your email address will be used to send you regular tasks from the Cashback Programme. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. Please read our Privacy Notice for more information. At times, and as per our Counter-Fraud Policy, we will ask for proof of ID. Rest assured that this information will be permanently destroyed upon verification of your identity.
  12. When your completed task has become an Approved Transaction, and the Level relating to that task has turned green, then and only then will you be entitled to Cashback. At this point, your Cashback will be credited to your Cashback Account.
  13. Cashback shall be owned by Us and held in your Cashback Account. Only Cashback obtained from Approved Transactions shall be credited to your Account.
  14. You understand and agree that Cashback have no value or cash equivalent, that they may not be transferred, exchanged or redeemed by You with third parties, whether for cash or in kind and that they do not represent any Stored Value.
  15. You may only withdraw funds from your Account when all 15 Levels have been completed and have successfully turned green. After your first cash out, if you complete further tasks or have a remaining balance you can cash this out once the balance is confirmed and over the threshold of £5.
  16. Whilst many Participating Retailers report credits within a few days of an Approved Transaction being completed, some do not report them to us until their returns period has expired. In the event that you completed an Approved Transaction in full compliance with all associated conditions and the Cashback is not pending as a credit to your Account, then in order to resolve it, your only option is to send an email with supporting evidence to our as a result of which we will then attempt to make recovery from the Participating Retailer. Whilst We shall use reasonable endeavours to recover Cashback for non-tracked transactions We shall have no responsibility or liability for such delay or failure.
  17. We cannot support untracked task support requests where the transaction occurred more than 90 days ago.
  18. If at any point a previous task that you have completed becomes rejected, you can provide us with Evidence that you took that task and it may lead to the task being approved, otherwise you will have to take an alternative task from that Level.
  19. Levels that are marked Amber in your account are awaiting final confirmation from the Participating Retailer. This is an automatic process which can take up to 30 (thirty) days and there is little we can do to expedite the process. Only after 30 (thirty) days should you raise a ticket to the Helpdesk for an Amber Level.
  20. In the event of a task not tracking (Levels not turning amber or green within 2 working days of completion) you will be required to send us Evidence via the Cashback helpdesk.
  21. You warrant to Us that whilst a participant in the Cashback Programme all of the information you provide in connection with it shall be at all times true and correct to the best of your information, knowledge and belief. You are required to use the Cashback Programme in an ethical manner. Providing incorrect or inaccurate information for the purpose of misleading others iscommitting fraud. Should we suspect your misuse of the Cashback Programme, we reserve the right to terminate your Account without warning.
  22. We reserve the right to adjust the balance of your Account in respect of non-payment from Participating Relaters, refunds or returned products, suspected or actual dishonesty, and/or mistakes including, but not limited to, accounting errors. You understand that running a Cashback Programme can be technically complex, and that in the course of so doing information may be withheld, provided or received in good faith by any of the participants in it, which may lead to the balance of your Account being inaccurate from time to time. You and We will use reasonable endeavours to deal with and rectify Account inaccuracies, and you agree that We shall have no liability to you or any third party in respect of them, including Our inability to rectify them to your satisfaction.
  23. You are prohibited from benefitting from the Cashback Programme more than once within a 12-month period (i.e. cashing out your Cashback more than once or completing the Cashback Programme more than once in a 12-month period). You are prohibited from holding more than one Account open at any time or using multiple identities to benefit from the Cashback Programme more than once.
  24. Libellous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, or abusive language will not be tolerated towards our employees or other members of the website and may result in your account being permanently closed.
  25. You shall indemnify and hold us our affiliates, officers and employees harmless from any claim, demand, expense or damage (including reasonable legal fees) relating to your breach of these rules.
  26. You are responsible for the security of your Account. From time to time we may ask you to update your Account password as part of our security measures. Please follow the steps when asked, if you have any queries or concerns, please email
  27. We will constantly review the balance of Cashback credited to your Account. When you are eligible to cash out your Cashback a ‘Collect Earnings’ button will appear and once clicked you will be sent a payment via Bank Details or PayPal™, or any other electronic method we may use in the future, in an amount equivalent to the then balance of your Account, subject to each of the following criteria being met:
    • you have successfully completed one task from each Level;
    • you have successfully completed all 15 Levels;
    • all 15 Levels have been validated and turned green; and,
    • you have provided us with your own personal Bank Details or PayPal™ details that match the name of your Cashback account.
  28. As part of our dedication to counter fraud, when sending your payment via PayPal™ and on your initial payment, we may make a small validation payment of £0.01 to your PayPal™ account to confirm compliance with these Rules. We reserve the right to withhold payment if there is a suspected breach of these Rules. If we believe you are breaching the Rules of the Cashback Programme we will ask you for proof of ID which will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice.
  29. You agree that you will not transfer your Cashback to any other person or third party, barter them for goods or services or deliberately or negligently enable any other person to obtain the benefit of Cashback awarded to you with or without your consent and that you will keep your Account details private and secret from others. You further represent and warrant to us in opening an Account with us that you are not acting on behalf of, or for the benefit of, anyone else.
  30. If you request your payment direct to your nominated bank account, you acknowledge that in the event that you provide incorrect bank account details your payment cannot be re-issued. Neither We nor Participating Retailers accept any liability in respect of you providing incorrect bank account details.
  31. Without prejudice to Section 29, you are permitted to raise a dispute regarding a missed payment for up to 3 months after the date that you request to cash out. If you raise a dispute within the 3 month period, we will investigate and reply to you within 10 working days. After 3 months, we will not accept disputes for missed payments and we will not be held liable for missed payments.
  32. Upon remittance of the payment to you, the balance of your Account in respect of which it has been issued will be void regardless of whether or not the payment is safely received by you. We reserve the right to close your Account at our convenience. We may close your Account at any time where:
    • You are in breach of the terms of these Rules;
    • You do not access your Account for 6 months; or
    • We suspect that your Account has been accessed without your Authorisation.
  33. If We terminate your Account because of a breach by you of these Rules you agree that you will not seek to register with the Cashback Programme again, whether using the same or a different identity to that under which you originally registered.
  34. If your Account remains inactive for a period of 6 months your Account will be closed. Unless we determine otherwise in our absolute discretion and on a case-by-case basis, the balance of your Account shall be void and you will no longer be able to access your Account. In this instance, you may re-join the Cashback Programme with a different email address so long as you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in paragraph 9.
  35. We operate a programme in connection with the Cashback Programme called Refer and Earn. It offers you the facility to refer new users in consideration for a bonus Cash payment. The bonus amount will be 10% of the task on each Level they complete once the referral’s balance reaches £10, subject to each of the following criteria being met:
    • The referred friend’s tasks are Confirmed and they have earned a balance of over £10;
    • You have 15 confirmed (green) Levels;
    • The referred friend meets the eligibility criteria in paragraph 9.
  36. You must not use inappropriate marketing methods, (including but not limited to, sending unsolicited email, posting in newsgroups or discussion forums that do not permit advertising or using false claims in their advertising) to benefit from the Refer and Earn Programme.
  37. Where you refer someone who is not identified by the Reward Programme database as being referred via your original customised Refer and Earn link, no Refer and Earn bonus payment will be paid. We are not responsible for the failure of the Refer and Earn tracking links to accurately log your referrals.
  38. At any time, we reserve the right to amend, suspend or terminate the Cashback Programme, any part of it or any feature within it, and/or restrict the hours of availability of the Cashback Programme without cause or liability and without your consent. Your continued use of the Cashback Programme shall indicate your agreement to the amended Rules. It is your responsibility to check back here for updates.
  39. You acknowledge and agree that regardless of the size of the balance of your Account, the Cashback standing to its credit, or to be credited to it shall be automatically voided (so that you will not be entitled to any payment in respect thereof) in any and all of the following circumstances:
    • If We should experience any event or process forming part of an insolvency, administration, receivership or winding up;
    • If or the Cashback Programme should cease operations; or,
    • If for any reason, We should be unable to continue further funding of the Cashback Programme, in whole or in part and whether as regards some or all participants in it.
  40. In the advent that we run a promotion where a "Welcome Bonus" is given, this Bonus will only be payable when all 15 Levels have been completed (turned green) and confirmed by the advertisers.
  41. Due to high volumes of fraudulent activity, the following email domains are prohibited on Cashback:,
  42. Please note, Cashback does not make payments to the following bank accounts: Monzo.
  43. These Rules shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, whose courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with them.

Last updated: 05.04.2022